Those aren't errors, they are warnings. Just there to let you know
that the sorting on sub-items is different from top-level items, which
might be confusing. Analog is built with default sorting (run 'analog
-settings' to see what they are). As you have defined alternate
sorting for the top-level items in the report, but haven't changed the
SUBSORTBY, Analog warns that they no longer match.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

Steven Boothe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]; Friday, September 06, 2002 12:03 PM):

> Greetings all:

> Can someone please enlighten me as to why am getting an error where I don't 
> appear to have SUBSORTBY (bytes) even defined for my File Type Report??? Nor, 
> do I have a FLOOR or SUBFLOOR defined either!

> Thanks so much. I was beginning to think I was seeing things! I mean, 
> everywhere else in the analog.cfg I haven't had any problem changing these 
> sorts of settings, but here is one place that makes me think I just walked 
> into Alice in Wonderland! Could someone please either enlighten me or give me 
> the other pill!

> [root@mx1 analog-5.24]# analog
> analog: analog version 5.24/Unix
> analog: Warning D: In File Type Report, SORTBY (requests) doesn't match
>   SUBSORTBY (bytes)
>   (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
> analog: Warning D: In File Type Report, SORTBY (requests) doesn't match FLOOR
>   (bytes)
> analog: Warning D: In File Type Report, FLOOR (bytes) isn't included in COLS
> analog: Warning D: In File Type Report, SUBSORTBY (bytes) isn't included in
>   COLS
> analog: Warning D: In File Type Report, SUBFLOOR (bytes) isn't included in
>   COLS
> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Failure Report
> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Failed Referrer Report
> [root@mx1 analog-5.24]#

> analog.cfg
> ####################################################
> # Cols:
> #   R=num of reqs   P=num of pages    B=num of bytes   D=time of last req
> #   r=% of reqs       p=% of pages       b=% of bytes      d=date of last req
> #   S=reqs last 7d   Q=pages last 7d    C=bytes last 7d   E=time of first req
> #   s=% reqs last 7d q=% pages last 7d  c=% bytes last 7d  e=date of first req
> #   N=index number of item within the list
> # Sortby:
> #   REQUESTS, PAGES, BYTES - sort by total number of requests, pages or bytes
> #   REQUESTS7, PAGES7, BYTES7 - sort by number in the past seven days
> #   FIRSTDATE, DATE - sort by date of first or last access
> #   ALPHABETICAL, RANDOM - alphatical sort or random sort
> ...
> SUBTYPE *.exe,*.zip
> ...

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