
    Do you get a Failure Report (lists the filenames which
caused errors and the number of requests for each one)
when you run Analog?  If not, you might try this report
to see if it provides what you need.  Depending on your
needs, some other reports might be helpful.  There is the
User Failure Report (lists users who encountered errors),
Failed Referrer Report (basically, a broken link report),
Host Failure Report (all computers which encountered
errors), and Virtual Host Failure Report (gives number
of errors for each domain).  To learn more, browse to

    I don't use graphs in analog, so I don't have enough
experience to help with your second question.

-- Duke

Suzanne George wrote:

> I would like to get a daily report that includes 'errors'.  I really 
> like the standard daily report but would like an additional column 
> that has the number of errors.  I realize this may not be a standard 
> report available and was wondering if someone could point me to the 
> section in the code where I might be able to replace the pages 
> accumulator with the 'errors'.  This is possible for me because in  my 
> application the number of pages exactly equals the number of requests.  
> Also, I would like to get a report graph that is a combination of file 
> size vs. process time. 
> thanks in advance,
> suz

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