Howdy, my name is Kevin Thompson.

I'm, using analog 5.24 on a small webserver i have. The analog page is
viewable at
Please visit the web page, and pay special attention to the failure report
(at the bottom)

This may be slightly confusing, but nonetheless, my problem is this:
I get a large number of nimda and code red hits. This I dont really mind,
because apache is immune to nimda and code red. However, I do wonder what
percent of my failed requests are results of nimda/CR.

So, what i figured I'd do is failalias anything that matched code red or
nimda to just that "Code Red" and "Nimda" so it would show up as an element
of the pie chart.

The pertenent config lines:
FAILALIAS REGEXPI:(winnt|default) "Nimda"

Note that there are actually a large number of different requests in my log
file that match exactly one of those lines lines.
For example, the "Nimda" regexpi matches all three of these lines:




Those three lines match "winnt" which is characteristic of nimda, but those
are each unique urls.
The problem is that in the failure report analog doesnt take the multiple
"Nimda" entries and group them as one, most likely because they are each
from unique hits that simply matched the regular expression for Nimda.
In other words, all the entries that matched the /msadc/..... entry exactly
were tallied up, counted as its own group, and then renamed "Nimda"
Then the ones that matched /cgi-bin/.... were tallied up, counted as its own
group and then renamed to "Nimda"
At this point, it just so happens that two groups have a common name, but
are being counted as two seperate groups, each with its own tally.

I think this is a fault, and that any number of groups that share the same
name (hit, alias, whatever) should be counted as one big group, such that
all the small groups that matched "winnt" and were renamed to "Nimda" should
be counted as one, big group under the "Nimda" heading.

Lets say that "winnt" matched 31 lines that were exact matches to the
/msadc/.. line i posted above.
Lets also say that "winnt" matched 400 lines that were exact matches to the
/cgi-bin/.. line i posted above.
That means that i would have two groups, both named "Nimda", each with 31
matches, and 400 matches, respectively.
Is there a way to get analog to aggregate groups that are all named the same
thing into one big group, such that all the little "Nimda" groups that you
see in my log would be displayed as one entry, with a correct total (the
correct total right now would be approximately

I hope my post is as clear as can be, please look at my failure report to
understand what i mean.

-Kevin Thompson

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