In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Moore, Michelle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have tried to use the FROM and TO commands to limit the reporting on my
> logfiles but they seem to be ignored.
> I am using the following command (among many other attempts):
> FROM 030616
> because the logfile format before this date does not include the time and
> date in the every line.

FROM and TO only affect which records get processed, they have no effect on 
whihc files get read by analog.

If you wish to limit the files read by analog, you need to modify your LOGFILE 
statement, for example

LOGFILE  sh13y393\logfiles$\w3svc1\ex20030616.log
LOGFILE  sh13y393\logfiles$\w3svc1\ex20030617.log
LOGFILE  sh13y393\logfiles$\w3svc1\ex20030618.log
LOGFILE  sh13y393\logfiles$\w3svc1\ex20030619.log
LOGFILE  sh13y393\logfiles$\w3svc1\ex2003062*.log
LOGFILE  sh13y393\logfiles$\w3svc1\ex2003063*.log

Alternatively you can modify your old log files to include a full date (using 
your preferred scripting language, or if the files are not too large even using
a text editor)

Klaus Johannes Rusch
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