Hello all,

            Can you answer my query as I have spent a good while
searching the FAQ section, and thus far have been unsuccessful. 

            Can you tell me if it is possible to do the following? I
wish to count the number of files preceded with a particular string e.g.
all files that are requested that begin with a particular string e.g
cars. Out of say - cars1.pdf, cars2.pdf and somethingelse.pdf, the
number retrieved would be the value 2. How may I do this please? I
eventually want the numbers on a bar chart output in the report. 

            I have seen the SEARCHQUERY and SEARCHWORD but understand
them to be parameters people enter on search engine queries, that then
request files from your/my server. 

        If something relevant exists on the FAQ may I please be directed

I appreciate all assistance on the subject.

Many thanks


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