At 02:43 PM 8/6/2003 -0700, you wrote:
How can I get analog to tell me how many bits
(or bytes) my web server transfers each month?

Hi Dan-

Saw your post -- I use Analog too, great program.

What you need to do is to run a separate config that sets a time constraint (to/from) for the month you want, point to the log files containing the data, and run just the "general summary" report. The "data transferred" record near the end does the trick.

You can set this up to create "computer output", and run it through a perl or awk script to extract just what you're looking for (and even email it to you).

Over the years, I've figured out a few things - one is that you probably need a number of reports - I typically do a month-to-date and last 24 hours. I've also learned the importance of rotating logs by month, which makes it easier to do monthlies, and to re-run them if needed. I have a cron that runs at 23:59 every night, stops the server, renames the access log to a new name based on the date (i.e. 2003080659.access_log), waits a few sconds, and restarts the server. It then does the analog reports, compresses the log files, and moves 'em to a new location for archival purposes.

It has worked well for me over the years - I create web reports, text reports, and email some. Very versatile program.

best, Phil

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