Alain Chappuis a écrit :
> Hello,
> Duke Hillard a écrit :
>>In the Analog documentation, there is a page that explains in detail
>>the use of the LOGFORMAT command.  The first section of the
>>page shows how to use one or more logfiles with one format, then
>>one or more logfiles in another format.  This page is available online
>>at "";.
> Yes I know this page, but I do not know how to declare the various
> formats (It perhaps can be a problem English-French translation for me)
> You would have an example with the common and combined format declaration?

I reformulate my question:
You would have an example with the common and combined format declaration
*for* in even file! I have the two diferents formats in a even file?

>>>I have since 1999 of the files "logs" in exploitation, which
>>>have format APACHE "common".
>>>I would now like to add in my new files "logs" the "user-agent".
>>>But, I encounter problems during the reading with the old files
>>>(common) and the new file (combined). Analog does not like the
>>>mixed format.
>>>Is it possible to make work ANALOG with the two formats of file?
>>>or what is the best solution?
--  [Ingénieur Système 1]
 Université de Genève/Faculté de Médecine/Service Informatique
 1, Rue Michel-Servet | CH-1211 Genève 4

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