(If this is triple posted, I apologize :( )

Hello all,

I've got a problem that appears to be related to aliasing that I can't
quite puzzle out.

First off, I've got a proxy server that uses the Apache Common log
format. This proxy is validating off campus folks to use databases
that only IP address' on campus have free access too.

The log files are filled with login requests to the proxy itself,
and redirected requests to the web databases.

I get log lines like this: - - [07/Mar/2004:01:47:02 -0600] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 206 5555555

The problem is several databases use server clusters so the
http://content.database.com part can change to srv1.database.com,
srv2.database.com, etc, in the log file.

I'm attempting to use Analog to record hits to each database based on
the log file. In this instance only the database.com part of
srv1.database.com is needed to be counted.

I tried doing a REQALIAS *.database.com "Database.com".
It sort of works, all the database.com URLs are changed, but
the requests to them are not counted together. Each URL request is still
counted individually. I get a "Database.com" entry in the Request report
for srv1.database.com, srv2.database.com, etc.

Is there any way to get Analog to count all the requests for
*.database.com together instead of for each different URL?
Is there a report other than Requests I should be using?



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