Hi folks,

I've been running webalizer, while running ads through doubleclick. The number of 'pageviews' vs 'ads served' has never seen eye to eye at all.

Out of the box webalizer will show ~500,000 'pageviews' and doubleclick much much lower.

Trying to find the descrepency I ran GoogleAds for a couple of days and their 'ads servered' agreed with doubleclick.

That's fine, I thought that obviously webalizer was counting what it perhaps shouldn't be for my purposes and a friend had told me he runs analog.

This afternoon I set it up for one site, ran it out-of-thebox and it's numbers agreed with doubleclick and googleads. Then poking around in analog.cfg I added "PAGEINCLUDE *.phtml" (Which is what http://OSDir.com pages are formatted as) then re-ran analog. This agrees with webalizer's stats. Not exact, but close enough. to make me highly suspect of doubleclick and googleads.

Can anyone shed some light on this situation??

-- Steve Mallett http://steve.osdir.com +------------------------------------------------------------------------ | TO UNSUBSCRIBE from this list: | http://lists.isite.net/listgate/analog-help/unsubscribe.html | | Digest version: http://lists.isite.net/listgate/analog-help-digest/ | Usenet version: news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.analog.general | List archives: http://www.analog.cx/docs/mailing.html#listarchives +------------------------------------------------------------------------

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