At 11:41 -0700 3/4/04, Nigel Percy wrote:
More problems (or opportunities?). I think I have configured the perl
file coirrectly, as well as the html form, but I cannot test it. When I
click on the "Produce Statistics" button I get a little window popping
up which says "Security Alert Your current security settings do not
allow you to send HTML forms." Any ideas as to what's wrong here? I'm
running XP Home, if that's any help.

Nigel, this is about the security settings in your web browser, nothing to do with Analog.

Assuming that you're using MS Internet Explorer as your web browser, which is likely given that you're using Windows XP, go to the "Tools" menu, and select "Internet Options...". Then select the "Security" tab.

It's really beyond the scope of this list (and my time budget!) to explain what might be an appropriate change for your individual circumstances. But you might add the site where you installed Analog to your "Trusted Sites" list, or you could decide that sending HTML forms is not a problem, and turn off that individual block.


-- Stilgherrian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Internet, IT and Media Consulting, Sydney, Australia. ABN 25 231 641 421 mobile 0407 623 600 (international +61 407 623 600) fax 02 9516 5630 (international +61 2 9516 5630) +------------------------------------------------------------------------ | TO UNSUBSCRIBE from this list: | | | Digest version: | Usenet version: news:// | List archives: +------------------------------------------------------------------------

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