Write a script to get around it.  My PERL's a bit rusty, but in VB I'd do this:

sub RemoveDAVAttacks(sDir as string, sOut as string)
        dim sFile as string

        sFile = Dir$(sDir & "\*.*")

        while len(sFile)
                open sDir & "\" & sFile for input as #1
                open sOut & "\" & sFile for output as #2
                while not eof (1)
                        line input #1,sLine
                        if instr(sLine, "\x02") = 0 then print #2, sLine
                close 1
                close 2
end sub

Should work in Access pretty easily as well.

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 08/04/2004 at 14:36 Octave Orgeron wrote:

>I recently found that analog does not process logs that have entries 
>from a Windows DAV attack. Here is the output of running analog on such 
>a log with debugging turned on:
># ./analog +C"HOSTURL http://test.com"; +C"LOGFILE 
>/var/tmp/analog-5.32/access_log" +C"OUTFILE 
>/var/tmp/analog-5.32/test.html" +C"HOSTNAME test.com"
>./analog: analog version 5.32/Unix
>F: Closing configuration file /var/tmp/analog-5.32/analog.cfg
>F: Opening /var/tmp/analog-5.32/lang/uk.lng as language file
>F: Closing language file /var/tmp/analog-5.32/lang/uk.lng
>F: Opening /var/tmp/analog-5.32/lang/ukdom.tab as domains file
>F: Closing domains file /var/tmp/analog-5.32/lang/ukdom.tab
>F: Opening /var/tmp/analog-5.32/lang/ukdesc.txt as report descriptions file
>F: Closing report descriptions file /var/tmp/analog-5.32/lang/ukdesc.txt
>F: Opening /var/tmp/analog-5.32/access_log as logfile
>C: - - [08/Apr/2004:01:05:46 -0600] "SEARCH 
>C: *
>./analog: Warning F: Can't auto-detect format of logfile
>  /var/tmp/analog-5.32/access_log: ignoring it
>  (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
>F: Closing logfile /var/tmp/analog-5.32/access_log
>S: Successful requests: 0
>S: Redirected requests: 0
>S: Failed requests: 0
>S: Requests returning informational status code: 0
>S: Status code not given: 0
>S: Unwanted lines: 0
>S: Corrupt lines: 1
>F: Opening /var/tmp/analog-5.32/test.html as output file
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty time reports
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Request Report
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty File Type Report
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Directory Report
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Domain Report
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Organisation Report
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Search Word Report
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Operating System Report
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty File Size Report
>./analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Status Code Report
>F: Closing /var/tmp/analog-5.32/test.html
>The corrupted line is very long. Is there a way around this kind of
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