Responses after each of your questions.

-- Duke

roy wrote:

newbie questions :
1) analog seems to be able to read certian log files and not certain others. consequently it displays a cross mark meaning 'image not found'. how do I solve this ?

Are you talking about a plus sign (+) appearing as alternate text for a bar graph image in the Daily Summary or Hourly Summary? If so, that is because the image reference to the bar graph images is incorrect (see If Analog can't read a log file, you would receive a warning (see

2)how do I get analog to track how many times a particular file has been requested ? ( not file type)

Request Report lists files that have as many, or more, requests than the number that you set with the REQFLOOR command (see

3) I am also not able to get a referrer report. Here is my log format :
#Fields: date time c-ip cs-username s-ip s-port cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query sc-status cs(User-Agent)

Is that for Microsoft Internet Information Services?
If so, you need cs(Referer) to collect referrer data.
Analog can't analyze referrer data if it isn't in log file.

Lots of work but feels like nothing to be done ?
091-44-52113814, 044-328-98765

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