Do other people have problems with QuickDNS?

I downloaded it and tried to make it work a couple of years ago and failed. I've just 
again and got it half working.

Using it to read a cfg file: If I try to specify a fully qualified path to the cfg 
file it adds this 
to the DNS path that it reads from the cfg file. Dotted notation (relative directory) 
works. It then fails to read the log files, again a fully qualified path..

Using it entirely in command mode seemed to fix the problems - until I realised that 
original 13Mbyte DNS file (fortunately backed up) was now 3Mbyte after running two 
seriously large set of logs through it and that it only contained the second of the 

It appears that one has to generate individual files from different runs and then 
them somehow - not impossible but seems to defeat the basic object.

Does anyone have any advice, please?

Dave Stiles
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