|Using Apache 2.x.xx, I added a line to the config file
(/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf is default location).

The line needs to appear below the DocumentRoot directive
and within the <Directory> directive which relates to the
DocumentRoot (||/usr/local/apache2/htdocs is default location).|
In your case, the line might look like this (all on one line)
RedirectMatch 301 ^/pubs/<b>food</b>s(.*) http://host.domain.tld/pubs/foods$1

In the case of Apache, the ||RedirectMatch 301 accomplishes
two tasks: (1) it brings the end user to the desired page
and (2) it indicates to search engines that index/reindex
the page that it is permanently moved (helps search engines
correct their hyperlinks).
If you're using another server, check its documentation to
see if it supports server redirection (many servers do).
Of course, the syntax may change and file names/locations
are likely to be different.


-- Duke

| Patrick Robinson wrote:

What kind of redirect did you use to do that? Did you have a regular expression to look for and remove pairs of tags from the requested URL? What does it look like?


- Patrick

On Aug 30, 2004, at 11:48 AM, Duke Hillard wrote:

I previously encountered a similar situation.  My solution
was to include a server redirect in my server's config file.
The redirect brought visitors to the correct page and the
resulting log entries were parsed by Analog in a manner
that satisfied me.


-- Duke

Patrick Robinson wrote:

Is there a way to restrict what gets included in the Directory Report, by HTTP status code? That is, requests that result in a "206 Partial Content" get included, but I want to exclude them.


I'm regularly seeing requests for URLs that look like this:


I don't know why, but some engine or other is putting <b></b> tags around portions of an otherwise valid URL. And my server often responds with a 206. These end up appearing in my Directory Report, and I'd rather they not.


Patrick Robinson
AHNR Info Technology, Virginia Tech

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