On Thursday, December 02, 2004 6:28 PM [GMT],
Stilgherrian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> 2)Am I right in assuming that the a.pdf and b.pdf files have been
>> accessed 217 and 156 times respectively (1 request per pdf page, 2
>> pdf pages per file)?
> No. Each request for a file is for the file, not for an individual
> page. You have no real way of finding out how much of each file a
> user read. Each PDF document is a single file, so no matter how many
> pages it has it's still a single request.

This is not true for .PDF files - Acrobat reader supports partial
downloads, so, if your web server is willing to cooperate, Acrobat will
send multiple requests for different parts of the file as you read
through it.


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