Um, is there any reason why you can't you just use a LOGFILE value of "ex*.log" to get all logs?

See for details on the command.

Jeremy Wadsack
Seven Simple Machines


I am very impressed with Analog and EasyReport. I have tweaked the code to create some beautiful reports!

However, I would like to compile info from ALL of my IIS 6 logs. Right now, using the ex%y%M%D.log variable, it produces dandy reports for the day. I would like it to keep up with what happened the previous day(s) as well.

In other words, each day's tracking is for that day only. Is there a magic coding trick I can try to have all IIS 6 logs of a particular website compiled into one report?

Thanks, and I apologize if this reeks of a newbie--


Ron E.
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