Just wanted to say thanks for the assistance. Once I got Analog Helper to correctly output an analog.cfg file, it was easy to go in and add an APACHELOGFORMAT directive, as was mentioned below. Once I ran a couple search and replace routines on the log file, it all worked as expected.


On Dec 20, 2004, at 02:08 PM, Aengus wrote:
On Monday, December 20, 2004 6:49 PM [GMT],
Brian V Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Dec 20, 2004, at 01:43 PM, Aengus wrote:
What happens when you try to wrap the username in quotes? (change %u
to \"%u\")

I tried that and didn't get the result I was expecting. I have a snippet of one of the log files, that's only 18 lines long, 7 of which contain a user name with spaces. If I add the quotes to that, were should I make the change in Analog?

Post one or two of those log lines. If you modify the LogFormat in the
Apache config files, then you should be able to use that modified format
directly in Analog with the APACHELOGFORMAT directive (eg
APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l \"%u\" %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\"

Also, I'm also using Analog Helper
(if that matters), as that was the quickest way for me to run several

I've never used Analog Helper. If all your doing is tweaking the logformat, I can't see how anything would be quicker than editing the analog.cfg file.

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