Which of the Mac versions of Analog are you using? There is the "Mac OS 8, 9 or X" version and the "Darwin command line" version.

The command line version would get this error because it wants to see path names with '/'s in them instead of ':'s. For the command line version the path would probably need to be "/Applications/Analog6.0/logs/logfile".

The OS 8,9,X version would not normally get this error if a file with that name exists, although it could if there were permissions problems. I would check the folder names very carefully, to be sure that the name is correctly spelled. Then look at the permissions, part of Get Info, and be sure that the user you are logged in as when you are running Analog has at least read permission for that log file.

Drag and drop support in the OS 8,9,X version of Analog has gotten unreliable under OS X in recent years. I have never quite gotten around to developing a fully native OS X GUI version of Analog, Meanwhile, Apple's support in OS X for applications which run on both OS 9 and OS X has never really worked reliably. If anyone is interested in working on an OS X native GUI version of Analog there are several things that can be improved upon compared to my OS 8,9,X version.

Analog is essentially a command line tool. The Darwin command line version of Analog is the most similar to the other versions, but unfortunately it doesn't have the same ease of use for novices that a GUI version could have.


Dorothy Hesson 2336 wrote:

analog: Warning F: Failed to open logfile Macintosh HD:Applications:Analog6.0:logs:logfile: ignoring it

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