
Jeremy Wadsack wrote:

> 75% resolution is really pretty good. There are many IP
> addresses that do not provide resolved names and it's
> typical to see as much as 40% unresolved.

   That's reassuring, sort of.

> If you want to get more useful information out of the IP
> addresses, you could try jdresolve which composes fake
> "names" from the IP address and the domain of the controling
> entity that owns the IP block the name is in.

Looking at the patch, I don't recognize the language ~ not a real surprise, actually. I'll locate my gzip utility and take a look, but unless it runs in Windows or DOS, I'm not likely to be able to use it any time soon.

I sorted my "unresolved" by IP address and scanned through the file for large blocks, then ran Network Tracer on some of them. Most were outside the US. I'll be working on a batch file to do it, the author of Network Tracer can probably help.

astaghfirullahal-ladhee laa ilaha illa
howal-hayyul-qayyoom wa 'atoobu 'ilaihi

Rejoice, muslims, in martyrdom without fighting,
a Mercy for us.  Be like the better son of Adam.

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