I have Analog running on RedHat Linux 2.1 and I have couple of questions regarding this.

1) When I ftp the output Report.html and try to read on my local machine then I get broken images. I configured my analog.cfg with IMAGEDIR. But when I open it in the server then I will be able to view the images. I want to know if there any other files in need to FTP other than the Report.html ?

2) I have multiple instance of webserver running and I need to get a separate report for each webserver. I read it is possible by specifying a different .cfg file. Can someone help/suggest me the exact steps 

3) I tried to Install the binary package for Solaris using "pkgadd" command but it says package not found. Can anyone tell me why cannot I install the package in solaris as I can do in Linux with rpm.

I appreciate your help.


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