On Monday, March 28, 2005 11:44 PM [GMT],
Josh Endries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Aengus wrote:
>> To count the number of page or requests in a time period, you just
>> need a simple cumulative counter. To count the number of unique
>> hosts in that same period, you need to create a table of all the
>> unique hosts that occur during that time period, and then count them
>> at the end of the period. Analog isn't designed to work that way.
> Thanks for the response. Okay, so we will need to hack Analog or use
> an external script...no problem. How does Analog get the count of
> distinct hosts for the General Summary? It has to have a table
> somewhere, doesn't it?

Yes. It has one table. To give a count of unique hosts in each time
report you'd need a separate table for each 5 minutes, each quarter
hour, each hour and each day. And if your log covered more than a week,
you'd also need a separate table for each weekday (if you had 45 unique
hosts last Tuesday, and 27 unique hosts this Tuesday, the Daily Summary
could have anything between 45 and 72 unique hosts for Tuesday). And so
on. The key point is that the counting requests is just cumulative -
counting anything unique (whether unique pages or unique visitors)
requires you to check whether you've already counted this one - it's a
fundamentally different type of operation that a simple cumulative

> Maybe it is just disabled for the other
> reports, or each report is coded separately or something... I'll
> start looking at the code tomorrow at work.
> This will probably hurt performance/resources a bit, but whatever,
> that's what my Beowulf cluster of Dreamcasts is for...haha jk. :)

It would be far simpler to just run separate reports for each particular
time unit you want, and disable all reports except the host count, and
then create a meta-report from each of these individual reports.


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