On Friday, April 22, 2005 9:06 PM [GMT],
Andrey Dmitriev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We host a site that generates about 300K page views per month. We have
> been saving analog reports daily, and have viewed on the 'last 7
> days' # in the brackets to get out uniques in the past week.
> This number all of a sudden halfed around end of october, but the page
> views continued to slowly climb. (we only noticed now :).
> Since the uniques are based on IPs, it's probably generally not
> accurate. Does anyone know what could've happenned?

You haven't provided nearly enough information to speculate. If your
site is of interest to a specific area (a country specific site, for
example), it might be that the major local ISP has changed it's IP
allocation scheme, or introduced a caching server. If you have added 5
times as many pages or lots of new images, then your number of requests
could increase even if the number of visitors dropped. If spiders make
up a significant portion of your traffic, then they'll eat pages, but
won't necessarily increase the number of unique hosts.

There are dozens of possible reasons, and the answers are in your
logfiles, so ask your logfiles, rather than the list! :-)

> Lastly, could someone recommend some relatively cheap third party
> tracking system (pixel tracking?) that we can use for a month of two
> to verify if your logging system is not working properly?

If you find a discrepancy between a 3rd party system and your own log
files, the one thing that you can know with 100% certainty is that the
problem is with the 3rd party system. Don't waste your time.


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