Analog creates one report per run. You can always post-process the reports to join them or create summaries.

For parameter analysis look at the Internal Search reports.

Jeremy Wadsack
Seven Simple Machines

Martin Paton wrote:

Does analog 6.0 support the ability to display more than one request
report per 'run'? My site has numerous directories which I would like to
display individual stats on, ideally in a single report for easy digest.
The general view that is offered currently does not display enough


 _root (general report)
     +--- _pix (request report)
     +--- _admin (request report)
     +--- _files (request report)

Also, is there any form of parameter analysis available? - I predict
that regexps will be the way forward here? This will enable me to
perform a campaign analysis more thoroughly. I'd also be able to track
Flash movies nicely through the use of landing pages.


Ideally I'd like to avoid a lot of programming as this is a quick
turnaround job.


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