On Thursday, June 01, 2006 3:29 AM [EDT],

We use the search terms report a lot. Can you tell us how to produce
statistics on 0 results search terms?


What do you mean by "0 results search terms"? If you're talking about an external search on google, etc, then there's obviousy no way to tell what search terms didn't lead to your website. If you're talking about an internal search engine, then the only way that information about how many results your search engine returned would be if your search engine generated that information, either in its own logs, or by redirecting the user to a URL that contained that information. Bear in mind that (external) Search reports rely on Referrer information, and, by definition, only count search results that the user clicked on. Your site might show up on the list of URLs that google produces, but if the user doesn't click on that link, they won't show up in your logs.

The Internal Search Reports, on the other hand, report on the actual queries made against your search engine, and don't tell you anything about whether users actually used any of the links generated by by your search engine. If you want to tell how successful interal searches actually are, you really need the search engine to measure that for you, the iformation doesn't reall exist in the access logs that Analog analyzes.


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