On Friday, June 23, 2006 1:47 AM [EDT],
toshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have one quick question about Analog configuration.

What I want to do is to add some columns to the monthly report and so
on. Analog can count the total amount of requests and pages, and you
can configure which files the request and page should contain.
However can you configure Analog to count the request URL which
contains a certain keyword?

For instance, suppose I manage search engine and this search engine
has simple search and detaield search. The request to the simple
search is made towards a module called
"simples_search.cgi?blahblahblah", and the detailed search is made
twowards a module called "detailed_search.cgi?blahblahblah". Now I
want to distinguish these two searches and count how many searches
were executed on each of them. To do so with Analog, I need to
configure Analog to count the request URL which contains a keyword
and "detailed_search.cgi", and output the results in different
columns at the monthly report.

Can you do something like this with Analog? I could not find
configuration how to for this kind of demand.

The INTSEARCHENGINE, INTSEARCHQUERY, INTSEARCHWORD commands are designed to report on search URLS in great detail.

If you want separate information on 2 report engines, you need to run Analog twice.

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