On Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:17 AM [EDT],
Graham Tinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry folks - an update...

I can view fine for the site as a whole, but... when viewing the home
page only, the figures for referrer do not show at all.

Here's the page for the site:

reqs: URL
----: ---
1833: http://www.disc-calif.com/
335:   http://www.disc-calif.com/?referer=capterra-ad
135:   http://www.disc-calif.com/?referer=GoogleAdwordsSelect

And for the home page only:

reqs: URL
----: ---
195: [not listed: 71 URLs]

Any help will be gratefully received...

It would be helpful if you included the relevant lines from your analog.cfg file, showing what commands you changed.

But the "[not listed:...]" entries are because the FLOOR or SUBFLOOR is set too low.


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