Aengus wrote:

> Analog has been user modified to meet minor needs, 

User-modifications are the first signs of a beginning fork. Why not a
6.01 release instead? 
Has anyone collected these user-mods into a combined patch?

> but the occasional calls for functionality that isn't in Analog (path
> tracking, or exit page reporting) aren't things that would necessarily
> fall out of the processing that Analog already does.

How about reporting on compression ratios, browser language settings and
perhaps ssl settings?  
Maybe introducing autoconf into the build? (I think I did some work on
that already).  
Improved default config with common browsers and robots preconfigured. 

(personally I also think the config syntax and semantics could do with
an "upgrade").

A fork is not necessary, but as Stephen never did invite other
maintainers/developers, it seems to be only way forward. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich
PS: another key issue is that analogs popularity will decline the
more "mature" (read: stale) analog becomes.  New users tend not to opt
for software that has not been maintained for over 3 years.  

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