On 27/09/2007, Hunter John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm obviously very curious as to what pages are taking over 5 seconds to 
> process, when this was occurring, and whether this was a particular visitor 
> that was affected or a more general problem.   So I've been trying to get 
> more detail on this element.  I've been messing with things like the FLOOR 
> commands, but so far all I've got is either more of the same, or the command 
> ignored completely.  Am I asking too much of Analog or have I just not found  
> the right command combination to use yet.

You are looking for a command which only looks at lines with long
processing times, but analog happens not to have such a command. But
in any case, when you get to this level of detail, you really need to
look in the raw logfiles at the offending lines and see if you can see
a pattern.

Stephen Turner
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