On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Aengus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm not quite sure that I understand what you are trying to achieve, but the 
> only way to get specific information about referrers to just your home page 
> is to do a report on just your home page - if you are reporting on all the 
> pages on your site, then there's no way to pick out the referrers that only 
> point to your home page
>  You could do
>   FILEINCLDE /index.html
>  to generate a report on just the home page, and then use the Referrer Report 
> and the Referring Site report to get greater detail on where the links to 
> your home page are.

Yes, I'm presently running a report on just my homepage.  But I have
many other pages on the site, each of which contributes to referrals.
I'd like to find the total number of referrals from my own domain
without having to tally the numbers up by hand.

Michael David Crawford
mdcrawford at gmail dot com

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