Grzasko, James (RBI-UK) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Stephen
> I managed to identify an offending logfile and can consistently
> reproduce the error on our reports server. However I then tried
> running 
> the same report on my local PC and it worked fine (no -21474836.-48%
> figures coming out). The only change to our report server was the
> installation of .NET 3.5 a few months back. The reports server is Win
> 2003 versus Win XP on my desktop (which also has .NET 3.5). I will see
> about removing .NET 3.5 from the reports server and see if this helps.

It might be easier to install a clean copy of Analog in a different directory 
on the server, and see if that works - it won't even require a reboot of the 
server :-).


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