On 8/4/2008 6:05 PM, Kush wrote:

Can "distinct host served" be considered as visits, or come close to it?

If I visit your website at 9AM and at 9PM, would you consider that to be 2 "visits" or one 12-hour long "visit"? There'll only be one "distinct host served".

If a company with 1,000 employees has a proxy server, and 30 people from that company visit your website, there'll only be one IP address showing in your logs. Do you want to count those 100 "visitors" as 1 visit, or as 30 visits?

If some of your users are with ISPs that use load balancing proxy servers (a "farm" of proxy servers, with requests being shared between them), then a single user might show up in your logfiles with 10 different IP addresses for a single "visit", but 10 "distinct hosts served".


The closest that you can get to a reliable count of "visits" is to assign each "visitor" a "session_ID", a transient cookie with a limited lifetime of 15 or 20 minutes. That will typically require specific support on the server side, and will undoubtedly annoy some part of your audience. And it requires assumptions about the way your users use your site. And if you're going to start making assumptions, you can start by admitting that if you change your assumptions, you're going to get different answers, even if you start with the same data.

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