Joelle Tegwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I realize that I'm asking the choir here, but I'm hoping to get an
> honest assessment.
> We're looking for a new log analyzer. The two that consistently came
> up were AWStats and Analog. Analog seems like a great product, but it
> seems to be no longer under development. We don't have anyone on staff
> who could update this so if updates or changes needed to be made, we
> would be out of luck.
> Is it worth it to start using Analog now? Are there current open bugs
> that are a concern? How would we deal with new browsers/OS (like
> Vista)? Or is this project going away and we should look elsewhere for
> a log analyzer?
> Are there other issues I should be aware of?

Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything that I would describe as an 
"open bug". While the current version of Analog was released 4 years ago, there 
haven't really been any significant changes in the Web log landscape in that 
time, except the addition of Windows Vista to the OS report, and there are user 
contributed patches that address that. Presumably someone will add Windows 7 in 
the near future too. A 64-bit compiled version for Windows might also be more 
useful now than it was 4 years ago, but that's a prolem with the available 
tools, rather than with Analog itself. As the availability of 64-bit tools for 
Windows development improves, expet to see a user-contributed build of 64-bit 
Analog for Windows. (64-bit versions for other operating systems are already 

Analog has remained pretty static because the flexibity and customization that 
it offers comes from changes made to config files, not from code modifications 
and recompilation.

Is it worth starting to use Analog now? I'd turn that question around - is 
there any reason not to use Analog? If Analog doesn't deliver on some of your 
needs today, it's probably not going to change significantly at this point. On 
the other hand, if you have a good idea what you want to get from your log 
files, and Analog delivers on those needs, then it's going to keep delivering.


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