With big thanks and much respect to John Harman and to Aengus especially, I
have made changes to the original tree.c so that Analog now notes both
Windows Vista and Windows 7, plus visits by identifying x64 browsers (IE?)
under these two operating systems and Windows XP x64 as well.I haven't
tested yet with Windows 7 x64, but think it should work OK.

Please note this is far from complete when Vista/Windows Server 2008 are
indistinguishable, as most likely are Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2.

I cobbled together these changes, replacing lines 869-874 in the original

       else if (*(c + 1) == '.' && (*(c + 2) == '2')) {
         if (strstr(whole, "; x64;") != NULL)
           *name = "Windows:Windows XP x64";
           *name = "Windows:Windows Server 2003";
           *name = "Windows:Unknown Windows";
       else if (*c =='6')       {
        if (*(c + 1) == '.' && (*(c + 2) == '0')) {
         if (strstr(whole, "; x64;") != NULL)
           *name = "Windows:Windows Vista x64";
           *name = "Windows:Windows Vista";
       else if (*(c + 1) == '.' && (*(c + 2) == '1')) {
         if (strstr(whole, "; x64;") != NULL)
           *name = "Windows:Windows 7 x64";
           *name = "Windows:Windows 7";
         *name = "Windows:Unknown Windows";
       else if (*c >= '7' && *c <= '9')

I've compiled the new file as a Win32 executable, which is here if anybody
wants it. Unzip to your existing analog directory and run...

http://www.astrologywizard.com/misc/paul/analog_c.zip (234 kb)

More thanks to Aengus for the Chrome/Phoenix/Chimera workaround, which in my
view has made Analog almost useable again.



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