On 11/3/2009 7:38 PM, Troy Simpson wrote:
The logs are from an IIS Windows server, but I'm running Analog on a
RedHat Linux Server.  I had the directive case set to insensitive.
That was counter intuitive.


When I check my setting, the objectID was converted to lowercase.
Including (+) and excluding (-) the following files:
  All excluded, then
  + /*0847dda0-f261-59bf-faa04eb1ec032b61

How come this directive works:
FILEINCLUDE /*?*0847DDA0-F261-59BF-FAA04EB1EC032B61

But this directive does not work:

Why do I have to have stars (*) on both sides of the question mark?

Because 0847DDA0-F261-59BF-FAA04EB1EC032B61 is not a file name, it's an argument to index.cfm.

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