
in the week from 2014-09-29–2014-10-05 Andrew, Jeff, and I worked on
the following items around the Analytics Cluster and Analytics related

* LDAP server renaming
* Esams bits having problems to produce to kafka
* Wikimetrics showing many requests to internal files
* Released new dataset pagecounts-all-sites
(details below)

Have fun,

* LDAP server renaming

WMF changed its LDAP server names.
For production machines, this was handled nicely through puppet.
Same for labs instances that run of puppet head.
But many of our instances fall in neither of those two categories. So
we had to bring in the necessary changes by hand, and make sure
nothing broke.

* Esams bits having problems to produce to kafka (Bug 71435)

We were seeing both duplicates and missing log lines from esams bits
caches on 2014-10-28 and 2014-10-29. It appeared that big caches for
Kafka and our ACK setup back-fired upon too high load. So Kafka
caching got adjusted a bit, and we took a closer look at the ACKs
This problem might occur again, so we might do further adjustments

* Wikimetrics showing many requests to internal files (Bug 71606)

Reoccurring requests to internal resources of Wikimetrics have been
found in the logs. They turned out to be mislead requests from
monitoring of puppet's apache default setup.

* Released new dataset pagecounts-all-sites

We released the first Analytics cluster generated dataset
pagecounts-all-sites. Announcement is at

---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
                           Companies' registry: 360296y in Linz
Christian Aistleitner
Kefermarkterstrasze 6a/3     Email:  christ...@quelltextlich.at
4293 Gutau, Austria          Phone:          +43 7946 / 20 5 81
                             Fax:            +43 7946 / 20 5 81
                             Homepage: http://quelltextlich.at/

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