Hi Aaron,

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 07:33:25PM -0600, Aaron Halfaker wrote:
> After some digging around, I can't seem to figure out where Flow's data
> lives.  Can someone help me out?

At some point I heard that Flow data is in the x1 shard.
But I actually never had to work with that data, so that information
might be stale.

Just in case ... we have a separate slave for x1:


. And that shard has a flowdb with (it seems) flow related tables [1]
with recent timestamps [2].

We previously could connect to that slave from stat1003, but that did
no longer work when I tried just now :-/
That might be related to yesterday's vlan move of stat1003, so I filed
T84990 [3] to open up the firewall to the x1 slave again.

Have fun,

mysql:research@x1-analytics-slave.eqiad.wmnet [flowdb]> show tables;
| Tables_in_flowdb   |
| flow_definition    |
| flow_ext_ref       |
| flow_revision      |
| flow_subscription  |
| flow_topic_list    |
| flow_tree_node     |
| flow_tree_revision |
| flow_wiki_ref      |
| flow_workflow      |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql:research@x1-analytics-slave.eqiad.wmnet [flowdb]> select 
max(workflow_last_update_timestamp) from flow_workflow;
| max(workflow_last_update_timestamp) |
| 20141219083453                      |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

[3] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T84990

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