ok, here's my advice:

- You won't be able to write to your c: drive afaik.
- You can't find the file on the file system? Do you mean your
computers file system or the emulators file system? It should be on
the emulator in /data/data/<your.app.namespace>/files/out.txt.
- I don't think there would be a permissions problem for either the
file or http examples you gave.
- Your http post code looks ok at first glance. Are you getting any
exceptions with it?

Why do you need to write something to C: anyway? Are you working on
some kind of development tool?

On Apr 1, 9:54 pm, yizhao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have an app that needs to write to a file that is accessible from
> programs outside of Android.  The snippet of code is as follows:
>             OutputStreamWriter osw = new
> OutputStreamWriter( openFileOutput( "out.txt",
>             osw.write( "picture taken: " + picId );
>             osw.flush();
>             osw.close();
> Android doesn't allow me to write to the outside, for example the C:
> drive and I'm not able to find this file anywhere on the file system.
> I'm guessing its some kind of permissions problem.  I would like to be
> able to write to anywhere on the file system I want.  Is that
> possible?
> Also, since what I tried above didn't work, I also tried writing a
> Http Post and posting the info to a webapp.  This code works
> independently but when put inside an Activitie's onCreate() method, it
> doesn't work.  Again, I'm guessing it has to do with permissions:
>             String data =
> URLEncoder.encode( "signinUserAccount.userName", "UTF-8" )  + "=" +
> URLEncoder.encode("a", "UTF-8");
>             data += "&" +
> URLEncoder.encode("signinUserAccount.password", "UTF-8") + "=" +
> URLEncoder.encode("b", "UTF-8");
>             URL url = new URL("
> userAccountView.action");
>             URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
>             conn.setDoOutput(true);
>             OutputStreamWriter wr = new
> OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
>             wr.write(data);
>             wr.flush();
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
> Yi
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