1. Should be /data/data/com.organization.android.app.myapplication/

2. I think it is possible to use normal file i/o code (by normal, I
mean not using openFileOutput) to do this.

3. There isn't anything stopping another app from reading it.

4. I found this: http://blogs.sun.com/manveen/entry/blob_vs_file_system_storage
which might give you an idea, although I don't really agree with all
of it. For example:

#  The whole point of storing data in a SQL database, is to put some
kind of ordering and structure on your data, as well as being able to
search on these data. But how do you search in the
#  binary data of a picture?

That's what other columns in the table are for. Just because a column
is there doesn't mean you need to search with it.

On Apr 8, 12:04 pm, Kevin Tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> I have been reading the android file storage and content provider
> documentations and have few questions that was unanswered. I did a few
> searches alternating around the words ' android file storage methods'
> and can the only result that i find useful is the documentation that i
> have been reading which is this.http://code.google.com/android/devel/data.html
> Here are my questions,
> lets say that my application package is
> com.organization.android.app.myapplication
> 1) Where is the file stored in android by default if I am to create a
> new file named test.txt with this openFileOutput("test.txt",
> 2) The documentation of the openFileOutput says that the name
> parameter cannot contain path separators, so does that mean that I
> cannot specify where to place my file in the application? Or is there
> another way to specify where i want my files?
> 3) If i set the file mode to MODE_WORLD_READABLE, what is stopping an
> outside application from using the path to read it?
> 4) sqlite3 supports byte data types (called blob) but the
> contentprovider tutotial recommends that we store a string that
> represents the path of the file instead, why is that?
> Any answer or suggestion is greatly appreciated
> Kevin
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