Instead of using

mc.setcenter(point), use mc.animateTo(point)...

I think this will help

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 1:50 AM, Rani v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am writing a class to display basic Map, but it is showing only a blank
> screen ,can any one suggest me how to display the map
> sending you the code
> **
> *
> public
> * *class* MapExample *extends* MapActivity {
> *private* MapView mMapView;
> *private* String map = "Browse Map";
> /** Called when the activity is first created. */
> @Override
> *public* *void* onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
> *super*.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
> mMapView = *new* MapView(*this*, map);
> // Latitude and Longitude
> GeoPoint p = *new* GeoPoint((*int*) (28.38 * 1000000),
> (*int*) (77.12 * 1000000));
> // MapController manages panning and zooming of a map
> MapController mc = mMapView.getController();
> mc.setCenter(p);
> // mc.zoomIn(); //Not working
> setContentView(mMapView);
> mMapView.isSatellite();
> }
>  }
> I am using *android-sdk-windows-0.9_beta *and* Eclipse 3.3 *
> >

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