Thanks, Falco for your insight.

I would like to add a few things, if I may:

First, let me introduce myself:

I am a programmer (only at the PC level, and nothing at the 'mobile'
level, yet) with about 8 years of experience in the IT field.  I have
programmed mostly with Microsoft's .Net (pronounced: Dot-Net)
languages and tools. I am rather new to Java, its tools, etc.

Now that I am attempting to learn Java, I came across a few resources
that you may find interesting.  They are listed below:

1.  Even though there is a learning curve, It's true that Java works
differently than most other non-related/non-similar languages like
Visual Basic (as opposed to similar languages like C, C++, and .Net's
C#).  But, Java is much easier to learn if you are a beginner since
you don't have to 'change' your thought process to learn a different
(than VB, etc) type of language (like an object-oriented one like

    One example of an object-oriented feature would be to think of a
car.  A car has attributes (or characteristics) like 4 wheels, 4
seats, etc.  A car also has methods (or events) that can be triggered
(or caused to do something), such as 'drive', 'stop', and 'turning'.
These type of features can be almost directly related to your Java
logic, therefore making it easier to learn for beginners.  Of course,
it gets more difficult as you progress, but in the beginning it is
rather easier to learn.

2.  Especially for Android, many of the resources are free which makes
it easy to develop for Android as opposed to programming .Net (where
you have to buy Visual Studio (~$500, in which you can write the logic
for the language) and SQL Server (~$700, the database that VB

    Back to the topic, Java's tools are free. You can install Eclipse
(which is an IDE; a program that you can write the logic in) after
just downloading it.  Then you need to install the Java Virtual
Machine (the JVM; which, I believe, is the engine or framework that
works with your logic/code).  The JVM is also free; it is just a
And for Android, you can get the JDT plug-in for Eclipse as well as
the Android 1.0 SDK (Software Development Kit), both for free; again,
they too are downloads.

3.  I am reading a very good book of which I would like to mention.
It is called 'Java 5: A Beginner's Tutorial'.  It is easy to read, and
has questions at the end of each chapter.  Moreover, it has snippets
(pieces) of example code. It probably also has downloadable code that
you can test and analyze when programming.

Hope this helps.


On Sep 29, 10:18 am, "Falko Richter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Programming good Java is not something you learn on a weekend. Java is a
> serious Object Oriented Language. Any experience with OO-languages help
> alot. Javascript in fact is not really OO. With various libraries you can
> give it an OO touch but it´s still only a  scripting language.
> I recommend any good Javabooks, unfortunately I German and I 
> used that is of course in
> German.
> O´reilly has a java 
> book:
>  some more books... So in
> general search for Object Orientation as it is the principle of modern java
> programming and Java as the programming language.
> cheers
> falko
> 2008/9/29 Morisato13 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Oh, I noticed that Android runs on Java. I should note that I can
> > understand JAVASCRIPT. I know they are not the same but similar. I
> > used to make web pages when I was young and I would copy/paste
> > javascript from those free javascript websites and alter them to my
> > liking. Because of this, I can understand javascript, but I can't
> > quite write it because I never memorized commands and such structure,
> > only how to analyze it and figure out what part does what.
> > On Sep 28, 11:21 pm, Morisato13 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello, I'm a COMPLETE NOOB when it comes to programming. When I was
> > > younger I was interested in programming and read a few Visual Basic
> > > books, but my knowledge is very very limited... VERY. I have some
> > > interesting/innovative ideas (that could possible make money...
> > > wishful thinking I guess) but I have no idea where to start. I
> > > definitely fall into the "ideas man" category of people which I have
> > > plenty of, but without knowing  where to start, I'm stuck. Does anyone
> > > have any recommendations of things I should look into? Some sort of
> > > step by step learning syllabus to get to where I need to be to start
> > > programming for Android. I'm already expecting the learning process to
> > > take a very long time, but how long do you think each learning step
> > > should take? Any websites or book recommendations? I'm not a child,
> > > but I would like the reading to be as easy as possible because some of
> > > the technical things just go over my head, but don't get me wrong, I'm
> > > not technologically illiterate. Any help would be great, thanks. :)
> > > -Morisato- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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