Hello Talha:

You need to give us more details, like what OS are you running (XP, Debian,
etc.) and what version of the Android SDK you are using.

I guess that you are using Eclipse with the SDK and Eclipse can't find
something, so first run the emulator manually.

If you are using XP to run the emulator manually and hopefully receive an
error message that would clue us into what's happening do the following:
click on Start, Run, type *cmd*  and press [Enter].

If you canĀ“t find the Run command in the menu, right-click on the Start,
select properties, start menu, advanced and select Run so that it is
displayed in the start menu.

A new window with a command line prompt should open.

Once on the command window, change your drive (if the SDK is in a drive
different from C:). To change a drive type the drive letter, followed by a
colon and then press [Enter]. For example, to change your current drive to
G: type *G:*  and press [Enter].

Then change your current directory to the directory where the SDK is, type
for example:

*cd G:\eclipse\android-sdk-windows-1.0_r1\tools* [Enter]

Type emulator and press [Enter]. If the emulator doesn't start, it should
give you an error message which please send me to try to get it running.

If the emulator starts, then we would need to work on the Eclipse
configuration, maybe the *path* variable is not set (did you set it?) and
Eclipse can't find it or something like that.

Let me know.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 6:12 PM, Talha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> hey im trying to start the simulator to see the hello world app to get
> a breif understanding but the window opens up and then closes.
> does ne1 kno how i can fix this as i have followed the steps in get
> started after downloading including setting the path.
> i have no idea n hav been trying for aged
> Help would be appreciated
> Thanks T
> >

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