First, please note that Android does *not* support native code development
at the moment.

Even the open source tree doesn't provide a real STL library at this point.

While many parts of the system are written in C++, we profiled and avoided
using STL there
because it easily generates *very* large binaries that run very poorly on
embedded CPUs
like the ARM that have tiny instruction caches. We thus had to provide our
own templatized
containers instead.

That doesn't mean you absolutely can't develop a native application, but:

1 - it will have to statically link to your own version of the STL
2 - it will not be easily installable to supported Android devices, like the
3 - don't expect it to be small or run very fast.

We may provide native development support in the future, but I doubt this
will include full STL support.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 3:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

> Hello,
> Our organization just moved to Android and we have lot of legacy code
> that was built around STL Containers.
> I have been searching through blogs and android source trees but
> couldn't find support for STL in Android latest release. STL seems to
> be limited to <pair> and some basic string manipulation functions.
> I am curious if anyone has run into this issue and has found ways to
> get around it.
> Does android provide STL support including Container classes, Vector
> and <std> namespace.
> Thank You
> Sanjay
> >

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