
  I'm trying to get the Hello, World application up and running in
Eclipse (3.4 Ganymede).  It is a fresh installation of 3.4, and when I
created the hello, world application, I got the following errors:

Description     Resource        Path    Location        Type
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot
find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the build path then try
building this project   HelloAndroid            Unknown Java Problem

Description     Resource        Path    Location        Type
The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly
referenced from required .class files   HelloAndroid.java       HelloAndroid/
src/com/android/hello   line 1  Java Problem

A search on google yielded this note:

However, there was no resolution posted.

I checked the Android SDK path, and realized that the path of the SDK
was not supplied.  I have since supplied it, but the error has not
gone away.

I have since installed the latest version of Java, and I'm running
this on XP.  I'm hesitant to keep going through the tutorial until I
get this resolved.  Any ideas?


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