
I'm new to Android development and don't realy know about how to use  
all the given functions.

What I want to do is to build a tool (only a proof of concept) to  
manage installation of new packages. The thing is I can't figure out  
how to install a new package.

First I added a uses-permission tag with the value  
"android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES" into my packages manifest file.

I've found the function "installPackage(Uri uri)" inside the  
PackageManager class. So I tried to use it this way:
        Uri.Builder uribuilder = new Uri.Builder();
        PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
What happens is that my application crashes. Using the debuger I  
figured out that a NullPointerException occurs inside the  
PackageManager class.

The next way I tried to install a package is using the already  
existing "Package Manager". So I created a new Intent to call the  
Package Manager and called StartActivity with this Intent:
        Uri.Builder uribuilder = new Uri.Builder();
        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_INSTALL,  
But also this method ends with a NullPointerException.

What am I doing wrong? How can I get this job done?

I don't have a real phone to develop on, only the Android emulator.  
Maybe the emulator doesn't support this function or this Intent!?

Thanks for help

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