Thanks for the hint! So how would you encode the bitmap provided that
you use the commons libraries. I've never done that and I'm not sure
how to implement the libraries.

On 9 Jan, 01:25, Raymond Rodgers <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I need to send a bitmap to a server. I've written some code, however,
> > I got stuck on the part where I need to transform my bitmap into byte
> > []. Here is my code:
> > public void updateBitmap(Bitmap bm){
> >            URL url = null;
> >            HttpURLConnection conn = null;
> >            try {
> >                    url = new URL("";);
> >            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
> >                    e.printStackTrace();
> >            }
> >            try {
> >                    conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
> >            } catch (IOException e) {
> >                    e.printStackTrace();
> >            }
> >            try {
> >                    conn.setRequestMethod("POST");
> >            } catch (ProtocolException e) {
> >                    e.printStackTrace();
> >            }
> >            conn.setDoOutput(true);
> >            conn.setDoInput(true);
> >            conn.addRequestProperty("user_id", user.getUsername());
> >            conn.addRequestProperty("pass", user.getPassword());
> >            conn.addRequestProperty("id", pinId);
> >                OutputStream os = null;
> >            try {
> >                    os = conn.getOutputStream();
> >            } catch (IOException e) {
> >                    e.printStackTrace();
> >            }
> >                 // Encode bitmap and flush the os
> >    }
> > Could you advice me on how to complete my code? Thank you.
> I'm going to be tackling the same sort of problem in an app I'm working
> on so I can't give you much advice. BUT, I can tell you that typically
> with HTTP file transfers, you'll want to encode the file into base-64
> format. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, Android does not include
> that capability as far as I know. Oddly, there's a bit of code in the
> Apache Commons/Jakarta project to do that, but it wasn't included in
> Android with the other code borrowed from that project. So what I did is
> download the following files from the Apache site (I grabbed them
> directly out of the source repository browser 
> at
> ) and create new packages within my app's project:
> binary/
> binary/
> binary/
> binary/
> binary/
> I needed to create two packages: org.apache.commons.codec and
> org.apache.commons.codec.binary from those files; it should be easy
> enough to guess which ones go where. :-) From that point, base-64
> encoding or decoding is as simple as including the packages, and
> calling  Base64.encodeString() or Base64.decodeString(). There are
> multiple encoding/decoding functions there to suit your needs.
> Raymond
> P.S. I'm hoping that Google or some coder will include these classes in
> the Android sources in the future, which would make us using it like
> this unnecessary. Time will tell...
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