So we can agree on that it should be Google who should always provide
an official image per SDK version that is fully functional. Anything
else is hacking, which is not necessarily bad, but people should not
be surprised if they don't get what they want.

On Mar 1, 7:13 pm, Disconnect <> wrote:
> That will not get you 1.1 - it will get you master, which (iirc) is to be
> called 1.5. (What it is right now is a bleeding edge development branch,
> that is rarely updated from the internal google branches, plus the fixes
> needed to build without google's huge collection of closed-source apps and
> framework pieces.)
> On master wifi, etc works fine. It is just google apps that are missing.
> (For the interested, I host fastbootable-images 
> at I update them every day or two, as
> changes are pushed into the public tree.)
> For 1.1, your official options are "sucks to be you". Your unofficial
> options are a little better - since google updated all their employees
> phones you can install the 'holiday' update. (Available for any
> testkeys-enabled phone - like the adp1 - at use the
> 'nochecks' version.) Google updated their employees phones instead of the
> adp1 phones, probably to make sure you knew your place.. :(
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 5:53 AM, Andrew <> wrote:
> > > On Feb 28, 8:20 am, Ákos Maróy <> wrote:
> > > > I'm a newbie towards android, just having received my development phone
> > > > yesterday. I saw on the android developers site that a newer version of
> > > > the SDK is available - 1.1. the dev phone I got is shipped with 1.0
> > Please understand what you are doing before following the steps below!
> > The version of the SDK and the firmware version do not have to match.
> > There may be new versions of the SDK (which fix bugs in the SDK)
> > without new versions of the firmware and vice versa.
> > On Mar 1, 1:56 am, djupp <> wrote:
> > > > I was looking at the site for documentation, but I can't find a simple
> > > > description on how to update my phone to 1.1. any pointers would be
> > > > appreciated..
> > > The ADP1 is supposed to be updated by you, compiling the source on
> > > your own. There are many guides out there that can help you get there
> > > (or just to install a preconfigured build of 1.1).
> > Nobody knows how the upgrade process will actually be when Google
> > finally figure out how to perform it. But you may compile the source
> > and install it - but some of the functionality and programs you may be
> > using will be missing! Google has not released code for (as far as I
> > remember): WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, GMail, Calendar and other things! You
> > may extract binary versions out of your Android but that may not be
> > compatible with the firmware version you are installing!
> > > Make sure to look through the documentation on
> > > One of the most important sources of information to me is the xda-
> > > developers forum at
> >
> > It is a good place for hacking but understand what you are doing
> > before performing any of the steps or you may brick your phone!
> > > However if you're building for the actual handset, you need to include
> > > extra modules (GPS drivers etc.). Infos on that can be found
> > > at
> > Try it it is fun! :-)
> > Andrew
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