It would help if we could see the problem code.

On Apr 3, 9:12 am, Stu <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been developing a quick little application for the last few days
> and I've encountered some problems trying to get my spinner to display
> a list of numbers that I have stored in an array resource.
> Basically I'm copying the Hello, Spinner example 
> on
> If I copy that exactly then I get a spinner with a list of planets and
> it works fine. If I alter the values to reference my own data then I
> just get the prompt with a blank line underneath.
> Does it matter what data type is stored in the array? I only have
> digits in mine, but I couldn't get it to work when I wrote the numbers
> out (one, two, etc.).
> Does it matter that my layout uses TableLayout instead of
> LinearLayout?
> Any ideas/suggestions?
> I'm using the latest SDK, and an up-to-date version of Eclipse, in
> case it makes any difference.
> Thanks a lot,
> Stuart.
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