Yep, Java should be the first step you should do before starting
Android development.

Technically it's not java which is used on android, because Android
use it's own Virtual Machine called Dalvik virtual machine (DalvikVM)
to execute the compiled bytecode on the phone, while Java uses the
Java virtual machine (JVM). But the syntax is basically identical with
that one of java. So java knowledge is important. Dunno about Java
I came from C# corner (which is very similar to Java syntaxwise) and
we used java as OOP language too in our school, so i didn't need any
beginners tutorials.

Once you've done with the basics (syntax, classes, extending classes,
etc.) you could basically start with some easy Android examples. Dunno
about free tutorials too, as most you may find are totally outdated
ones for the SDKs older than 1.0 and most of them don't work anymore
(because most of the API changed since then), so they are quite bad as

However, i can suggest you a few books i've found very usefull when I
started with android.

[McGraw Hill - Android A Programmers Guide]
I've found this very useful, especially the part on creating
ContentProviders to store and read data fro SQLlite database

[Professional Android App]
For general stuff, like Broadcast receivers, Background threads or
accessing the hardware (acceleramators, compass etc)

On Apr 3, 5:40 pm, KonstantinDK <> wrote:
> Well, kinda. I'm not a programmer, I'm finance major, but computers
> were always my hobby. A had few programming classes and were always
> good in them. I have the understanding of how it works and know the
> logic.
> The only thing I don't know is language. ( long time ago did some
> Pascal and visual basic, but that crapp doesn't count). So, what I am
> asking is: if i want to learn how to create apps for android, what is
> the best way to learn? As I understand the Java is, maybe not only,
> but the main language for this?
> So, if I want to learn, will regular Java courses work? Is it the only
> thing I need to learn? Any more advice? Websites where you can learn
> it (I'll surely google it, but maybe you know particular good source).
> Also, how long, you think, it's gonna take. Assuming I'm very fast
> learner and have a mind of programmer.
> P.S.They should really add smiles to the forums.
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