Dear All,

I am developing an android application that will translate an XML (our own
xml) into screen elements, for example textbox, combobox, and map.

The application started with a regular activity (non-map activity) and
display the current elements specify in the xml. If its found a map elements
then it has to display the MapView. Because the MapView can only be run in a
MapActivity, I have to do activity switching that is I started the
MapActivity and then close the current (non-map) activity. But I found 2
problems with this approach:

1. If I change the screen orientation then the screen just go blank
eventhough I've tried to call the setContentView again.
2. Also when I change the screen orientation again, this time in the
MapActivity, I have to recreate the MapView and display it again but Android
complaints and saying: "you are only allowed to have a single mapview in a

Does any one knows how to solve those problems?

Many thanks in advance.


It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most
intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to
change. (Charles Darwin)

Even the great Knuth once said: “Beware of bugs in the above code; I have
only proved it correct, not tried it.”

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