I am new to Android.

To create and run the HelloWorld project, I installed Eclipse 3.4,
Android SDK, and ADT.

Right after the project was created, I got two error messages: "no
classfiles specified" and "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with
error 1". Then I tried to build and run the project. While no error
was received, the emulator could not display "Hello, world!".

I almost read every post about these two error messages, but still
could not solve the problem.

I happened to run the project again. It did not display either. I
forgot to close the emulator. Almost five minutes later, "Hello,
world!" was showing. OMG! (The delay decreased quite a bit the next
time I ran the project.)

Then I changed the compiler to verbose mode and realize that there is
a huge delay when waiting for android.process.acore to be lauched.
Here is the output:

[2009-05-19 15:57:23 - HelloAndroid] Android Launch!
[2009-05-19 15:57:23 - HelloAndroid] adb is running normally.
[2009-05-19 15:57:23 - HelloAndroid] Performing
com.example.helloandroid.HelloAndroid activity launch
[2009-05-19 15:57:23 - HelloAndroid] Automatic Target Mode: launching
new emulator with compatible AVD 'new_avd'
[2009-05-19 15:57:23 - HelloAndroid] Launching a new emulator with
Virtual Device 'new_avd'
[2009-05-19 15:57:25 - HelloAndroid] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2009-05-19 15:57:25 - HelloAndroid] Waiting for HOME
('android.process.acore') to be launched...

******** delay delay delay ******* // commented by Dahai

[2009-05-19 15:57:59 - HelloAndroid] HOME is up on device
[2009-05-19 15:57:59 - HelloAndroid] Uploading HelloAndroid.apk onto
device 'emulator-5554'
[2009-05-19 15:57:59 - HelloAndroid] Installing HelloAndroid.apk...
[2009-05-19 15:58:17 - HelloAndroid] Application already exists.
Attempting to re-install instead...
[2009-05-19 15:58:24 - HelloAndroid] Success!
[2009-05-19 15:58:25 - HelloAndroid] Starting activity
com.example.helloandroid.HelloAndroid on device
[2009-05-19 15:58:27 - HelloAndroid] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent
{ comp={com.example.helloandroid/
com.example.helloandroid.HelloAndroid} }

******** "Hello, world!" is showing. ******* // commented by Dahai

Is this normal for "android.process.acore" to take so long to launch?
Does it have anything to do with the error messages: "no classfiles
specified" and "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1"?


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